Natural numbers

Natural Numbers

What is a natural number?

Natural numbers are whole and positive numbers.
To be called a "natural number", it must be whole and positive.
00 is considered a natural number.

Examples of natural numbers

1,5,28,1001, 5, 28, 100

Natural Numbers

In this article, you will learn everything you need to know about natural numbers and you will put it into practice in various exercises.
Shall we start?

What is a natural number?

A natural number must be whole and positive.
Observe: For a number to be considered natural, it must meet both conditions, be positive and whole.
In everyday life, we use natural numbers all the time, almost every time we have to count or calculate something.
What about 00?
00 is also a natural number.
Natural numbers are infinite: All the positive whole numbers from 00 to infinity are called natural numbers.
With them, we can count anything we want and also add, subtract, multiply, and divide.

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And now, what do we do? Let's practice!

Find the natural numbers within the following set

21,0,4,721, 0, -4, 7

According to its definition, a natural number is a whole and positive number. Therefore:
2121 : Natural number –> whole and positive.
00 : Natural number –> is included within the set of natural numbers.
4-4 : Number that is not natural –> it is negative (does not meet the condition of being positive)
77 : Natural number–> whole and positive.

Find the natural numbers within the following set

1,15,23,761, -15, -\frac{2}{3}, \frac{7}{6}

According to its definition, a natural number is a whole and positive number.

11  Natural number – whole and positive.
15 -15  Number that is not natural - it is negative (does not meet the condition of being positive)
23 -\frac{2}{3}  Number that is not natural - negative and also not whole
76\frac{7}{6}  Number that is not natural - Not whole

Find the natural numbers within the following set

245,13,100,4.52\frac{4}{5} , 13 , -100 , 4.5

4.54.5  Number that is not natural - Although it is positive, it is not an integer.
100-100 Number that is not natural - It is negative (does not meet the condition of being positive)
1313  Natural number – Positive and also an integer
2452\frac{4}{5}   Number that is not natural - Although it is positive, it is not an integer.

Now that we already know how to identify natural numbers, we will move on to the exercises.

Find what is in the square

(2+3)×+15=40(2+3) \times ⬜ +15=40

In this exercise, there are only natural numbers, we need to find out which one would fit in the place of the square.
First, let's find out what the result of the parentheses is and rewrite the exercise.

We will obtain:
5×+15=405 \times ⬜ +15=40
Now we can say that 55 times something +15+ 15 equals 4040.
If we subtract 1515 from both sides we will get:
5×=255 \times ⬜ =25
Now let's think, what number multiplied by five will give us 2525.
We could also simply divide both sides by 55 and obtain: 
=5⬜ = 5

Another exercise with natural numbers

The general price of a pair of pants and four shirts is 600600$.
The price of a pair of pants is equivalent to the price of 22 shirts.

  1. What is the price of a pair of pants?
  2. What is the price of a shirt?

First, let's organize the data.
We know that the price of a pair of pants is equal to the price of 2 shirts.
If we name the price of a shirt XX we can say that the price of a pair of pants is 2X2X.
We also know that a pair of pants and 44 shirts cost 600600$ .
Let's write it as an exercise and we will get:
Let's solve the equation and it will give us:

Observe –> XX represents the price of 11 shirt.
​​2X​​2X is the price of a pair of pants 11.
If X=100X=100 then the answer will be:
The price of a pair of pants is 200200$.
100×2=200100 \times 2=200
The price of a shirt is 100100 $.