Calculate Weighted Average: Finding The Swan Inn's Overall Rating with 45% Satisfaction Weight


A number of hotels are ranked based on various factors, each with a different weight.

This is the rating and weights for the hotel "The Swan Inn":


What is the hotel's overall rating?

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

In order to determine the hotel rating, we will calculate an average.

Let's remember the weighted average formula:

(value A X weight percentage A)+(value B X weight percentage B)...

First, let's add all the percentages together to make sure we reach 100 percent:

45%+30%+10%+10%+5=100% 45\%+30\%+10\%+10\%+5=100\%

Now we'll multiply each factor by its weight percentage, convert the percentages to decimal numbers, and add them as follows:

0.45×3.5+0.3×4+0.1×2+0.1×4.5+0.05×1= 0.45\times3.5+0.3\times4+0.1\times2+0.1\times4.5+0.05\times1=

Let's solve the multiplication problems first:

1.575+1.2+0.2+0.45+0.05= 1.575+1.2+0.2+0.45+0.05=

We'll add them together and get: 3.475 and that's the hotel rating

