Calculating Weighted Average: Calculate The Missing Side based on the formula

Examples with solutions for Calculating Weighted Average: Calculate The Missing Side based on the formula

Exercise #1

A teacher loses the final exam results of one of his students. Luckily for him, he had already calculated the student's average grade for this year.

AttendanceAssessmentAssignmentsFinal examGradeWeight10%10%20%60%958210060

If the student's average is 92, then what grade did he get on his final exam?

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Exercise #2

The price of milk varies from one shop to another.

In two of the shops, the price of milk is 4.5,whileinfiveshopsthepriceofmilkis4.5, while in five shops the price of milk is 5.3.

What is the price of milk in the last two shops if the overall average price is $4.6?

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\( \text{3}.65

Exercise #3

How much does Javier score on the first exam that has a weight of 55%, given that he scores 76 on the second exam and his final average is 84?

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90.55 90.55

Exercise #4

Each building on the street has an average of 4.29 4.29 floors.

There are two buildings with 11 floors, 4 buildings with 2 floors, and 5 buildings with 3 floors.

How many buildings have 5 floors?

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3 3 buildings

Exercise #5

How many times does Andrea run a distance of 3 km if she runs 5.92 5.92 km on average and so far she has run a distance of 8 km 7 times?

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5 5 times

Exercise #6

Matt receives the following grades in his math exams:


If Matt's average is 80.52 80.52 , then what grade did he get on his last exam?

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78 78

Exercise #7

Calculate Martha's grade on an assignment that represents 20% if her average is 80.3 80.3 and her other grades are:


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82 82

Exercise #8

An employee at a paint shop creates the color purple using the colors red and blue.

The red paint costs 70perliter,whilethebluepaintcosts70 per liter, while the blue paint costs 95 per liter.

What percentage of blue and red paint are used if the price of the purple paint is $91 per liter?

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blue: 84% red: 16%

Exercise #9

In each park of a city24.2 24.2 trees are planted on average.

In the first two parks, 19 trees are planted, while in the next three parks 28 are planted.

How many parks planted 24 trees?

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5 5 parks

Exercise #10

Each bag of marbles contains an average of 9.64 9.64 marbles.

The first bag has 18 marbles, another two have 12 marbles, and the last three have 7 marbles.

How many bags contain 9 marbles?

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8 8 bags

Exercise #11

Sebastian has 17 dumbbells that weigh on average 5.22 5.22 kg.

3 of the dumbbells weigh 4.5 kg, 4 dumbbells weigh 5.2 kg, and the rest weigh 7.1 kg or 3.8 kg.

How many dumbbells weighing 7.1 kg does Sebastian have?

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5 5