What are parallel lines?

Parallel lines are lines that belong to the same plane (are coplanar) and never meet (do not intersect).

Let there be two parallel lines a a and b b as shown below.

What are parallel lines

If we state the following:

The straight line a a is parallel to the straight line b b

we can say the same thing using mathematical language as follows:

a b a\parallel~b

Practice Parallel Lines

Examples with solutions for Parallel Lines

Exercise #1

Which of the diagrams contain parallel lines?


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In drawing B, we observe two right angles, which teaches us that they are practically equal. From this, we can conclude that they are corresponding angles, located at the intersection of two parallel lines.

In drawing A, we only see one right angle, so we cannot deduce that the two lines are parallel.



Exercise #2

Which lines are parallel to each other?

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Let's remember that parallel lines are lines that, if extended, will never intersect.

In diagrams a'+b'+c', all the lines intersect with each other at a certain point, except for diagram d'.

The lines drawn in answer d' will never intersect.


Exercise #3

Which lines are perpendicular to each other?

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Let's remember that perpendicular lines are lines that form a right angle of 90 degrees between them.

The only drawing where it can be seen that the lines form a right angle of 90 degrees between them is drawing A.


Exercise #4

Which lines are perpendicular to each other?

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Perpendicular lines are lines that form a right angle of 90 degrees between them.

The only drawing where the lines form a right angle of 90 degrees between them is drawing A.


Exercise #5

Which figure(s) show intersecting lines?


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Lines that intersect each other are lines that divide the side into two equal parts.

The drawings showing that the lines divide the sides into equal parts are drawings 1+3.

In drawing 2, the lines are perpendicular and vertical to each other, and in drawing 4, the lines are parallel to each other.


1 and 3

Exercise #6

Which figure shows perpendicular lines?

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Perpendicular lines are lines that form a right angle between them.

In the drawings A+C+D, you can see that the angles formed are not right angles.

It is possible to point out a right angle in drawing B.


Exercise #7

Which of the figures shows parallel lines?

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Parallel lines are lines that, if extended, will never meet.

In the drawings A+B+D if we extend the lines we will see that at a certain point they come together.

In drawing C, the lines will never meet, therefore they are parallel lines.


Exercise #8

Which of the figures show perpendicular lines?


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Perpendicular lines are lines that form a right angle of 90 degrees between them.

It can be observed that in figures 1 and 3, the angles formed by the lines between them are right angles of 90 degrees.


1 and 3

Exercise #9

What do the four figures below have in common?


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All parallel

Exercise #10

What do the 4 figures below have in common?


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Let's think about the different definitions of various lines.

We can see that what is common to all lines is that they intersect with each other, meaning they have a point of intersection.

We'll remember that lines that cross each other are lines that will meet at a certain point.

Therefore, the correct answer is a.


All intersections

Exercise #11

The lines below are not the same size, but are they parallel?

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Remember the properties of parallel lines.

Since there is no connection between the size of the line and parallelism, the lines are indeed parallel.



Exercise #12

What can be said about the lines shown below?

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Let's remember the different properties of lines.

The lines are not parallel since they intersect.

The lines are not perpendicular since they do not form a right angle of 90 degrees between them.

Therefore, no answer is correct.


None of the above.

Exercise #13

Two rectangles are drawn on the sides of a square.

Are the opposite sides parallel in the diagram?

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The two pairs of opposite sides are parallel because the two rectangles are connected to form a square, creating a 90-degree angle.

Therefore, the opposite sides in the drawing must be parallel.



Exercise #14

A square has sides measuring 5 cm.

Is AB parallel to CD?


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Step-by-Step Solution

Let's think about the different definitions of different lines.

Looking at side AB and side CD, we can see that if we extend either of them, they will never intersect.

Also, according to the properties of a rectangle, each pair of opposite sides are parallel to each other.

Therefore, the answer is correct and indeed AB is parallel to CD



Exercise #15

Are lines AB and DC parallel?


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Step-by-Step Solution

For the lines to be parallel, the two angles must be equal (according to the definition of corresponding angles).

Let's compare the angles:

2x+10=70x 2x+10=70-x

2x+x=7010 2x+x=70-10

3x=60 3x=60

x=20 x=20

Once we have worked out the variable, we substitute it into both expressions to work out how much each angle is worth.

First, substitute it into the first angle:

2x+10=2×20+10 2x+10=2\times20+10

40+10=50 40+10=50

Then into the other one:

7020=50 70-20=50

We find that the angles are equal and, therefore, the lines are parallel.



Topics learned in later sections

  1. Angles In Parallel Lines
  2. Alternate angles
  3. Corresponding angles
  4. Collateral angles
  5. Vertically Opposite Angles
  6. Adjacent angles
  7. Perpendicular Lines