There are various types of fractions that need to be known:
There are various types of fractions that need to be known:
A simple fraction is the classic among all fractions and contains only a numerator and a denominator.
An improper fraction is any number written like a fraction with a numerator and a denominator, but it is actually a whole number or a whole number with a fraction.
A mixed number is a fraction composed of a whole number and a fraction, hence its name – it combines both whole numbers and fractions.
A decimal fraction represents a non-whole number using a decimal point.
The decimal fraction can be without whole numbers at all or with whole number
Without calculating, determine whether the quotient in the division exercise is less than 1 or not:
\( 5:6= \)
Without calculating, determine whether the quotient in the division exercise is less than 1 or not:
\( 1:2= \)
Solve the following equation:
\( \frac{3}{4}-\frac{1}{6}=\text{ ?} \)
Match the following description with the corresponding fraction:
10 tickets are distributed equally among 9 couples.
Without calculating, determine whether the quotient in the division exercise is less than 1 or not:
Note that the numerator is smaller than the denominator:
5 < 6
As a result, we can write it thusly:
\frac{5}{6} < 1
Therefore, the quotient in the division exercise is indeed less than 1.
Less than 1
Without calculating, determine whether the quotient in the division exercise is less than 1 or not:
Note that the numerator is smaller than the denominator:
1 < 2
As a result, we can claim that:
Therefore, the fraction in the division problem is indeed less than 1.
Solve the following equation:
In this question, we need to find a common denominator.
However, we don't have to multiply the denominators by each other as there is a lowest common denominator: 12.
Match the following description with the corresponding fraction:
10 tickets are distributed equally among 9 couples.
We need to understand that every fraction is actually a division exercise,
so when we divide 10 tickets among 9 people,
we are dividing 10 by 9
that is 10:9
The division exercise can also be written as a fraction
and that's the solution!