Large Numbers

Scientific Notation of Numbers

Scientific notation is the way of writing numbers that are very large or very small in an abbreviated form, using exponentiation.
According to scientific notation, the number is represented as the product of another number that is between 11 and 1010 multiplied by 1010 and raised to some power.
That is:

m×10em\times 10^e

mm will be a number between 00 and 11
If ee is a positive integer number, the entire expression will be some number greater than 11
If ee is a negative integer number, the entire expression will be some number less than 11

Large Numbers

Ways to notate very large numbers using scientific notation:

  1. We will move the imaginary decimal point, which is located at the end of the number, until we get a certain number between 11 and 1010.
  2. We will count how many steps we have moved the point to the left. The number of steps taken will be the exponent of 1010.
  3. We will multiply the 1010 raised to the power we found by our number mm and thus arrive at the scientific notation.

Scientific Notation of Numbers

What does it mean?

In certain scientific subjects such as, for example, biology and chemistry there are extremely large or infinitesimally small numbers.
For example:
The mass of planet Earth is 6,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,0006,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 Kg.
The radius of a carbon atom is 0.000,000,000,070.000,000,000,07 m.
To express such numbers in a simple and practical way, without having to write so many figures, we can use powers.

Scientific notation is a way of writing numbers that are either very large or very small in a convenient form.
According to scientific notation, the number is represented as the product of another number that is between 11 and 1010 multiplied by 1010 and raised to some power.
That is:

m×10em\times 10^e

mm will be a number between
if ee is a positive integer, the entire expression will be a certain number greater than 11
if ee is a negative integer, the entire expression will be a certain number less than 11

Let's remember that, when we have a decimal number like, for example:
and we move the decimal point one step to the right, we are actually multiplying the number by 1010.
That is, if we multiply
by 1010
We will obtain:
Similarly, if we move the decimal point one step to the left, we are actually dividing the number by 1010.

To write large and small numbers in a practical way, we will use the powers of 1010.
You will see it shortly.
Let's take an example of a number that is not too large: 183183
If we move our imaginary decimal point one step to the left, in fact, we divide the number by 1010.
Therefore, to not alter the numerical value we must immediately multiply it by 1010.
That is:

183=18.3×10183=18.3 \times 10

If we move the point another step back, we must multiply by 100100.
That is:
183=18.3×10=1.83×100183=18.3 \times 10=1.83 \times 100
We know that 100100 can be written as 102 10^2
Therefore, we can express 183183 as: 1.83×102 1.83 \times 10^2 
Similarly, if we take a larger number, for example: 5,000,0005,000,000
We can say that it is equivalent to:
5×1,000,0005 \times 1,000,000
We know that 1,000,0001,000,000 is equivalent to 10610^6
5,000,000=5×1,000,000=5×1065,000,000=5 \times 1,000,000=5 \times 10^6
So how can we write numbers using scientific notation without getting confused?
We will start with the scientific notation of large numbers.

Large Numbers

The ways to notate very large numbers using scientific notation:

  1. We will move the imaginary decimal point, which is at the end of the number, until we get a certain number between 11 and 1010.
  2. We will count how many steps we have moved the point to the left. The number of steps taken will be the exponent of 1010.
  3. We will multiply the 1010 raised to the power we found by our number mm and will obtain the scientific notation.

Let's see it in an example:
Let's take the following number:
We will note an imaginary decimal point at the end of the number and move it to the left until we get a certain number between 11 and 1010:


We have moved the decimal point eight times. Consequently, 88 will be the exponent of 1010.
We will obtain:
1.8×1081.8 \times 10^8

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