Sum and difference of angles - Examples, Exercises and Solutions

Sum and Difference of Angles

We can add angles and get the result of their sum, and we can also subtract them to find the difference between them.
Even if the angles don't have any numbers, we'll learn how to represent their sum or difference and arrive at the correct result.

Angle Sum

To find the sum of angles, they must have a common vertex.

Difference Between Angles

Just as we have added angles, we can also subtract one from another.

We can say that:


2 angles equal to 1

Suggested Topics to Practice in Advance

  1. Right angle
  2. Acute Angles
  3. Obtuse Angle
  4. Plane angle
  5. Angle Notation
  6. Angle Bisector

Practice Sum and difference of angles

examples with solutions for sum and difference of angles

Exercise #1

Angle A is equal to 30°.
Angle B is equal to 60°.
Angle C is equal to 90°.

Can these angles form a triangle?

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We add the three angles to see if they equal 180 degrees:

30+60+90=180 30+60+90=180
The sum of the angles equals 180, so they can form a triangle.



Exercise #2

Angle A equals 56°.
Angle B equals 89°.
Angle C equals 17°.

Can these angles make a triangle?

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We add the three angles to see if they are equal to 180 degrees:

56+89+17=162 56+89+17=162

The sum of the given angles is not equal to 180, so they cannot form a triangle.



Exercise #3

Angle A equals 90°.
Angle B equals 115°.
Angle C equals 35°.

Can these angles form a triangle?

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We add the three angles to see if they are equal to 180 degrees:

90+115+35=240 90+115+35=240
The sum of the given angles is not equal to 180, so they cannot form a triangle.



Exercise #4

Triangle ADE is similar to isosceles triangle ABC.

Angle A is equal to 50°.

Calculate angle D.


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Triangle ABC is isosceles, therefore angle B is equal to angle C. We can calculate them since the sum of the angles of a triangle is 180:

18050=130 180-50=130

130:2=65 130:2=65

As the triangles are similar, DE is parallel to BC

Angles B and D are corresponding and, therefore, are equal.



65 65 °

Exercise #5

What kind of triangle is shown in the diagram below?


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We calculate the sum of the angles of the triangle:

117+53+21=191 117+53+21=191

It seems that the sum of the angles of the triangle is not equal to 180°,

Therefore, the figure can not be a triangle and the drawing is incorrect.


The triangle is incorrect.

examples with solutions for sum and difference of angles

Exercise #1

Three angles measure as follows: 60°, 50°, and 70°.

Is it possible that these are angles in a triangle?

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Step-by-Step Solution

Recall that the sum of angles in a triangle equals 180 degrees.

Let's add the three angles to see if their sum equals 180:

60+50+70=180 60+50+70=180

Therefore, it is possible that these are the values of angles in some triangle.



Exercise #2

Find the measure of the angle α \alpha


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Step-by-Step Solution

Recall that the sum of angles in a triangle equals 180 degrees.

Therefore, we will use the following formula:

A+B+C=180 A+B+C=180

Now let's insert the known data:

α+50+50=180 \alpha+50+50=180

α+100=180 \alpha+100=180

We will simplify the expression and keep the appropriate sign:

α=180100 \alpha=180-100

α=80 \alpha=80



Exercise #3

Triangle ABC isosceles.


Calculate angle ABC and indicate its type.


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Given that it is an isosceles triangle:AB=BC AB=BC

It is possible to argue that:BAC=ACB=45 BAC=ACB=45

Since the sum of the angles of a triangle is 180, the angle ABC will be equal to:

1804545=90 180-45-45=90

Since the angle ABC measures 90 degrees, it is a right triangle.


90°, right angle.

Exercise #4

ABC is an isosceles triangle.

A=4x ∢A=4x

B=2x ∢B=2x

Calculate the value of x.


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As we know that triangle ABC is isosceles.

B=C=2X B=C=2X

It is known that in a triangle the sum of the angles is 180.

Therefore, we can calculate in the following way:

2X+2X+4X=180 2X+2X+4X=180

4X+4X=180 4X+4X=180

8X=180 8X=180

We divide the two sections by 8:

8X8=1808 \frac{8X}{8}=\frac{180}{8}

X=22.5 X=22.5



Exercise #5

ABCD is a quadrilateral.

A=80 ∢A=80

C=95 ∢C=95

D=45 ∢D=45

Calculate the size of B ∢B .


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Step-by-Step Solution

We know that the sum of the angles of a quadrilateral is 360°, that is:

A+B+C+D=360 A+B+C+D=360

We replace the known data within the following formula:

80+B+95+45=360 80+B+95+45=360

B+220=360 B+220=360

We move the integers to one side, making sure to keep the appropriate sign:

B=360220 B=360-220

B=140 B=140



examples with solutions for sum and difference of angles

Exercise #1

It is known that angles A and D are equal to 90 degrees

Angle DEB is equal to 95 degrees

Complete the value of angle GDC based on the data from the figure.


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Step-by-Step Solution

Note that the GDC angle is part of the EDC angle.

Therefore, we can write the following expression:


Since we know that angle D equals 90 degrees, we will substitute the values in the formula:

GDC+40=90 GDC+40=90

We will simplify the expression and keep the appropriate sign:

GDC=9040 GDC=90-40

GDC=50 GDC=50



Exercise #2

ABCD is a quadrilateral.

According to the data, calculate the size of B ∢B .


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Step-by-Step Solution

As we know, the sum of the angles in a square is equal to 360 degrees, therefore:

360=A+B+C+D 360=A+B+C+D

We replace the data we have in the previous formula:

360=140+B+80+90 360=140+B+80+90

360=310+B 360=310+B

Rearrange the sides and use the appropriate sign:

360310=B 360-310=B

50=B 50=B



Exercise #3

The angles below are between parallel lines.


What is the value of X?

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Step-by-Step Solution

In the first step, we will have to find the adjacent angle of the 94 angle.

Let's remember that adjacent angles are equal to 180, therefore:

18094=86 180-94=86
Then let's observe the triangle.

Let's remember that the sum of the angles in a triangle is 180, therefore:

180=x+53+86 180=x+53+86

180=x+139 180=x+139

180139=x 180-139=x

x=41 x=41



Exercise #4

ABCD is a quadrilateral.


Calculate angle A ∢A .


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Step-by-Step Solution

Angles ABC and DCB are alternate angles and equal to 45.

Angles ACB and DBC are alternate angles and equal to 45.

That is, angles B and C together equal 90 degrees.

Now we can calculate angle A, since we know that the sum of the angles of a square is 360:

360909090=90 360-90-90-90=90



Exercise #5


What is the value of X given the angles between parallel lines shown above?

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Since the lines are parallel, we will draw another imaginary parallel line that crosses the angle of 110.

The angle adjacent to the angle 105 is equal to 75 (a straight angle is equal to 180 degrees) This angle is alternate with the angle that was divided using the imaginary line, therefore it is also equal to 75.

We are given that the whole angle is equal to 110 and we found only a part of it, we will indicate the second part of the angle as X since it changes and is equal to the existing angle X.

Now we can say that:

75+x=100 75+x=100

x=11075=35 x=110-75=35



Topics learned in later sections

  1. The Sum of the Interior Angles of a Triangle
  2. Sides, Vertices, and Angles
  3. Types of Angles
  4. Sum of Angles in a Polygon
  5. Exterior angles of a triangle