Division of Whole Numbers Within Parentheses Involving Division

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The division of whole numbers within parentheses where there is a division refers to the situation in which we must carry out the mathematical operation of dividing a whole number by the result of dividing two elements, that is, by their quotient.

For example:

24:(6:2)24 : (6 : 2)

There are two ways to solve this type of exercises.

The first one will be to open the parentheses and extract the numbers that were inside them.

That is, in our example:

24:(6:2)=24 : (6 : 2) =

24:6×2= 24:6\times2=

4×2=8 4\times2=8

B1 - Division of Whole Numbers Within Parentheses Involving Division

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In general, this operation can be expressed using the following formula:

a:(b:c)=a:b×c a:(b:c)=a:b\times c

Another way to solve this exercise is to apply the order of operations:

24:(6:2)=24 : (6 : 2) =

We will start by solving the expression within the parentheses according to the order of operations and we will obtain:

24:3=824 : 3 = 8

Exercises on dividing integers within parentheses where there is a division

Exercise 1


56a:(7b:3a)=? 56a:(7b:3a)=\text{?}


We will write the exercise in another way, that is, we will write the fraction in another way:

56a:7b3a 56a:\frac{7b}{3a}

Now we multiply

56a×3a7b=56a×3a7b 56a\times\frac{3a}{7b}=\frac{56a\times3a}{7b}

We reduce by: 7 7

8a×3ab \frac{8a\times3a}{b}

24a2b 24\frac{a^2}{b}


24a2b 24\frac{a^2}{b}

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Exercise 2


10:(2:(15:7))=? 10:(2:(15:7))=\text{?}


We start from the innermost parenthesis and write it in the form of a fraction

10:(2:157) 10:(2:\frac{15}{7})

We multiply the expression inside the parenthesis

10:(2×157) 10:(2\times\frac{15}{7})

10:2×715 10:\frac{2\times7}{15}

We multiply the expression

10×152×7 10\times\frac{15}{2\times7}

10×152×7 \frac{10\times15}{2\times7}

We simplify by: 2 2

5×157 \frac{5\times15}{7}

757 \frac{75}{7}

We break down the numerator

70+57 \frac{70+5}{7}

10+57=1057 10+\frac{5}{7}=10\frac{5}{7}


1057 10\frac{5}{7}

Exercise 3


30:(3:(13:2))=? 30:(3:(13:2))=\text{?}


We start from the innermost parenthesis and write it as a fraction

30:(3:132)=? 30:(3:\frac{13}{2})=\text{?}

We multiply the expression inside the parenthesis

30:(3×213) 30:(3\times\frac{2}{13})

30:3×213 30:\frac{3\times2}{13}

We multiply the expression

30×133×2 \frac{30\times13}{3\times2}

5×3×2×133×2 \frac{5\times3\times2\times13}{3\times2}

We simplify and solve

5×13=5×10+5×3=50+15=65 5\times13=5\times10+5\times3=50+15=65


65 65

Do you know what the answer is?

Exercise 4


10:(7:(92))=? 10:(7:(\frac{9}{2}))=\text{?}


We start from the innermost parenthesis and write it as a fraction

10:(7:92) 10:(7:\frac{9}{2})

We multiply the expression inside the parenthesis

10:(7×29) 10:(7\times\frac{2}{9})

10:7×29 10:\frac{7\times2}{9}

We multiply the expression

10×97×2 10\times\frac{9}{7\times2}

10×97×2 \frac{10\times9}{7\times2}

5×2×97×2 \frac{5\times2\times9}{7\times2}

It simplifies by: 2 2

457=42+37 \frac{45}{7}=\frac{42+3}{7}

427+37=6+37=637 \frac{42}{7}+\frac{3}{7}=6+\frac{3}{7}=6\frac{3}{7}


637 6\frac{3}{7}

Exercise 5


(a+b):(344)=? (a+b):(3\frac{4}{4})=\text{?}


We multiply the exercise

(a+b)×43=43(a+b) (a+b)\times\frac{4}{3}=\frac{4}{3}\left(a+b\right)


43(a+b) \frac{4}{3}\left(a+b\right)

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Examples with solutions for Division of Whole Numbers Within Parentheses Involving Division

Exercise #1

21:(30:10)= 21:(30:10)=

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

We will use the formula:

a:(b:c)=a:b×c a:(b:c)=a:b\times c

Therefore, we will get:

21:30×10= 21:30\times10=

Let's write the division exercise as a fraction:

2130=710 \frac{21}{30}=\frac{7}{10}

Now let's multiply by 10:

710×101= \frac{7}{10}\times\frac{10}{1}=

We'll reduce the 10 and get:

71=7 \frac{7}{1}=7


7 7

Exercise #2

15:(2×5)= 15:(2\times5)=

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

We will use the formula:

a:(b×c)=a:b:c a:(b\times c)=a:b:c

Therefore, we get:

15:2:5= 15:2:5=

Let's write the exercise as a fraction:

1525= \frac{\frac{15}{2}}{5}=

We'll convert it to a multiplication of two fractions:

152×15= \frac{15}{2}\times\frac{1}{5}=

We multiply numerator by numerator and denominator by denominator, and we get:

1510=1510=112 \frac{15}{10}=1\frac{5}{10}=1\frac{1}{2}


112 1\frac{1}{2}

Exercise #3

12:(2×2)= 12:(2\times2)=

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

According to the order of operations, we first solve the exercise within parentheses:

2×2=4 2\times2=4

Now we divide:

12:4=3 12:4=3


3 3

Exercise #4

7(4+2)= 7-(4+2)=

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Step-by-Step Solution

According to the order of operations, we first solve the exercise within parentheses:

4+2=6 4+2=6

Now we solve the rest of the exercise:

76=1 7-6=1


1 1

Exercise #5

8(2+1)= 8-(2+1)=

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

According to the order of operations, we first solve the exercise within parentheses:

2+1=3 2+1=3

Now we solve the rest of the exercise:

83=5 8-3=5


5 5

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