Converting a simple fraction to decimal - how to calculate?

So how do we convert a simple fraction to a decimal fraction? First, we can reassure you by saying that the answer is: quite easily. All you need is to understand the technique, and mainly to understand the meaning of the decimal fraction. First, what do decimal fractions look like? They appear in the following form: 0.5, 3.6, and so on. Or in other words: "the fraction with the point".

In fact, there is a point that creates the boundary between the whole number and the fraction. To convert a simple fraction to a decimal fraction, you need to choose a denominator: 10, 100, or 1000. So how can you also convert "simple" fractions to decimal fractions? Pay attention:

Basic fraction data:

  • The line that separates between two different numbers is called the fraction line.
  • The top part of the fraction - numerator.
  • The bottom part of the fraction - denominator.

Note that when we convert a "classic" simple fraction to a decimal fraction, the fraction line disappears, and a decimal point separates the numbers.

Suggested Topics to Practice in Advance

  1. What is a Decimal Number?
  2. Decimal Fractions
  3. Reducing and Expanding Decimal Numbers

Practice Converting Decimal Fractions to Simple Fractions and Mixed Numbers

Examples with solutions for Converting Decimal Fractions to Simple Fractions and Mixed Numbers

Exercise #1

Convert into fraction form:

0.01= 0.01=

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

Let's pay attention to where the decimal point is located in the number.


One number after the zero represents tens

Two numbers after the zero represent hundreds

Three numbers after the zero represent thousands

And so on

In this case, there are two numbers after the zero, so the number is divided by 100

Let's write the fraction in the following way:

001100 \frac{001}{100}

We'll then remove the unnecessary zeros as follows:

1100 \frac{1}{100}


1100 \frac{1}{100}

Exercise #2

Convert into fraction form:

0.04= 0.04=

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

Let's pay attention to where the decimal point is located in the number.


One number after the zero represents tens

Two numbers after the zero represent hundreds

Three numbers after the zero represent thousands

And so on

In this case, there are two numbers after the zero, so the number is divided by 100

Let's write the fraction in the following way:

004100 \frac{004}{100}

We'll then remove the unnecessary zeros as follows:

4100 \frac{4}{100}


4100 \frac{4}{100}

Exercise #3

Convert into fraction form:

0.09= 0.09=

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

Let's pay attention to where the decimal point is located in the number.


One number after the zero represents tens

Two numbers after the zero represent hundreds

Three numbers after the zero represent thousands

And so on

In this case, there are two numbers after the zero, so the number is divided by 100

Let's write the fraction in the following way:

009100 \frac{009}{100}

We'll then remove the unnecessary zeros as follows:

9100 \frac{9}{100}


9100 \frac{9}{100}

Exercise #4

Convert into fraction form:

0.11= 0.11=

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

Let's pay attention to where the decimal point is located in the number.


One number after the zero represents tens

Two numbers after the zero represent hundreds

Three numbers after the zero represent thousands

And so on

In this case, there are two numbers after the zero, so the number is divided by 100

Let's write the fraction in the following way:

011100 \frac{011}{100}

Finally we will remove the unnecessary zeros as follows:

11100 \frac{11}{100}


11100 \frac{11}{100}

Exercise #5

Convert into fraction form:

0.17= 0.17=

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

Let's pay attention to where the decimal point is located in the number.


One number after the zero represents tens

Two numbers after the zero represent hundreds

Three numbers after the zero represent thousands

And so on

In this case, there are two numbers after the zero, so the number is divided by 100

Let's write the fraction in the following way:

017100 \frac{017}{100}

Finally we'll remove the unnecessary zeros as follows:

17100 \frac{17}{100}


17100 \frac{17}{100}

Exercise #6

Convert into fraction form:

0.23= 0.23=

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

Let's pay attention to where the decimal point is located in the number.


One number after the zero represents tens

Two numbers after the zero represent hundreds

Three numbers after the zero represent thousands

And so on

In this case, there are two numbers after the zero, so the number is divided by 100

Let's write the fraction in the following way:

023100 \frac{023}{100}

Let's then proceed to remove the unnecessary zeros as follows:

23100 \frac{23}{100}


23100 \frac{23}{100}

Exercise #7

Convert into fraction form:

0.38= 0.38=

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

Let's pay attention to where the decimal point is located in the number.


One number after the zero represents tens

Two numbers after the zero represent hundreds

Three numbers after the zero represent thousands

And so on

In this case, there are two numbers after the zero, so the number is divided by 100

Let's write the fraction in the following way:

038100 \frac{038}{100}

We'll then remove the unnecessary zeros as follows:

38100 \frac{38}{100}


38100 \frac{38}{100}

Exercise #8

Convert into fraction form:

0.55= 0.55=

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

Let's pay attention to where the decimal point is located in the number.


One number after the zero represents tens

Two numbers after the zero represent hundreds

Three numbers after the zero represent thousands

And so on

In this case, there are two numbers after the zero, so the number is divided by 100

Let's write the fraction in the following way:

055100 \frac{055}{100}

We'll then remove the unnecessary zeros as follows:

55100 \frac{55}{100}


55100 \frac{55}{100}

Exercise #9

Convert into fraction form:

0.33= 0.33=

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

Let's pay attention to where the decimal point is located in the number.


One number after the zero represents tens

Two numbers after the zero represent hundreds

Three numbers after the zero represent thousands

And so on

In this case, there are two numbers after the zero, so the number is divided by 100

We'll write the fraction in the following way:

033100 \frac{033}{100}

We'll then proceed to remove the unnecessary zeros as follows:

33100 \frac{33}{100}


33100 \frac{33}{100}

Exercise #10

Convert into fraction form:

0.06= 0.06=

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

Let's pay attention to where the decimal point is located in the number.


One number after the zero represents tens

Two numbers after the zero represent hundreds

Three numbers after the zero represent thousands

And so on

In this case, there are two numbers after the zero, so the number is divided by 100

We'll write the fraction like this:

006100 \frac{006}{100}

We'll then remove the unnecessary zeros as follows:

6100 \frac{6}{100}


6100 \frac{6}{100}

Exercise #11

Convert into fraction form:

0.65= 0.65=

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

Let's pay attention to where the decimal point is located in the number.


One number after the zero represents tens

Two numbers after the zero represent hundreds

Three numbers after the zero represent thousands

And so on

In this case, there are two numbers after the zero, so the number is divided by 100

We will write the fraction as follows:

065100 \frac{065}{100}

Finally We'll remove the unnecessary zeros as follows:

65100 \frac{65}{100}


65100 \frac{65}{100}

Exercise #12

Convert into fraction form:

0.02= 0.02=

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

Let's pay attention to where the decimal point is located in the number.


One number after the zero represents tens

Two numbers after the zero represent hundreds

Three numbers after the zero represent thousands

And so on

In this case, there are two numbers after the zero, so the number is divided by 100

We will write the fraction in the following way:

002100 \frac{002}{100}

We will then remove the unnecessary zeros as follows:

2100 \frac{2}{100}


2100 \frac{2}{100}

Exercise #13

Convert into fraction form:

0.06= 0.06=

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

Let's pay attention to where the decimal point is located in the number.


One number after the zero represents tens

Two numbers after the zero represent hundreds

Three numbers after the zero represent thousands

And so on

In this case, there are two numbers after the zero, so the number is divided by 100

We will write the fraction in the following way:

006100 \frac{006}{100}

We will then proceed to remove the unnecessary zeros and obtain the following:

6100 \frac{6}{100}


6100 \frac{6}{100}

Exercise #14

Write the following fraction as a decimal:

1100= \frac{1}{100}=

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

Let's write the simple fraction as a decimal fraction

1.0 1.0

Since the fraction divides by 100, we move the decimal point once to the left and get:

.010 .010

We'll add the zero before the decimal point and get:

0.010=0.01 0.010=0.01



Exercise #15

Write the following fraction as a decimal:

11100= \frac{11}{100}=

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

Let's write the simple fraction as a decimal fraction

11.0 11.0

Since the fraction divides by 100, we move the decimal point once to the left and get:

.110 .110

We'll add the zero before the decimal point and get:

0.110=0.11 0.110=0.11

