Order or Hierarchy of Operations with Fractions

πŸ†Practice special cases (0 and 1, inverse, fraction line)

Order or Hierarchy of Operations with Fractions

Fractions do not influence the order of operations, therefore, you should treat them like any other number in the exercise.

The correct order of mathematical operations is as follows:

  1. Parentheses
  2. Multiplications and divisions in the order they appear in the exercise
  3. Additions and subtractions in the order they appear in the exercise
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\( 12+3\times0= \)

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Order or Hierarchy of Operations with Fractions

The order of mathematical operations with fractions is no different from the order of operations without fractions.
This means that if you know how to correctly solve a certain exercise based on the order of mathematical operations, you will also know how to solve an exercise with fractions in the same way.
Let's remember the order of operations:

  1. Parentheses - We always start by solving what is inside the parentheses, regardless of the type of operation it is.
  2. Multiplications and divisions – The exercise is read from left to right. Multiplications and divisions have the same hierarchy, therefore, we will resolve them according to their order of appearance in the exercise, from left to right.
  3. Additions and subtractions - After having solved the operations that were in parentheses and those of multiplying and dividing, we will continue with addition and subtraction.
    They also share the same hierarchy, therefore, we will resolve them according to their order of appearance in the exercise, from left to right.

Note - We have not given any importance to fractions, nor have we mentioned them.
We will treat fractions like any other number, whether it is a common fraction or a decimal number, it's all the same.


Exercise 1

3+6Γ—13=3+6 \times \frac{1}{3}=


Multiplication comes before addition, therefore, we will first solve all the multiplications.
We will obtain:

Now we will add and get:

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Exercise 2

25Γ—(1+3)+4=\frac{2}{5} \times (1+3)+4=

Parentheses come first, so we will start by solving what's inside them.

We will obtain:
25Γ—4+4=\frac{2}{5} \times 4+4=
Multiplication comes before addition, so we will continue with the multiplication.

We will obtain:
Now we will add and get:


Exercise 3

0.3+(0.4+0.1)Γ—4=0.3+(0.4+0.1) \times 4=


We will start with the expression inside the parentheses.

We will solve and obtain:
0.3+0.5Γ—4=0.3+0.5 \times 4=

Multiplication is resolved before addition, so we will continue with it.

We will obtain:


We will add and get:


Do you know what the answer is?

Exercise 4

8βˆ’9:18Γ—6+5=8-9:18 \times 6+5=


We know that if there are no parentheses we start with multiplication and division.
But in what order?
According to the order of appearance in the exercise, from left to right.
We start reading the exercise and we come across a division, therefore, we will start with it.

We will obtain:

8βˆ’918Γ—6+5=8-\frac{9}{18} \times 6+5=

We will continue with the multiplication. We will realize that 9189 \over 18Β is, in fact, 121 \over 2
We will obtain:
8βˆ’12Γ—6+5=8-\frac{1}{2} \times 6+5=


Now we will continue with the addition and subtraction operations according to the order of appearance.
When we start reading the exercise from the beginning we come across a subtraction, therefore, we will resolve it first. We will obtain:


Exercise 5

5Γ—3βˆ’48Γ—2βˆ’3=5 \times 3-\frac{4}{8} \times 2-3=


There are no parentheses, so we will start with the multiplication and division operations according to their order of appearance in the exercise.
We will start with the first multiplication on the left.

We will obtain:

15βˆ’48Γ—2βˆ’3=15-\frac{4}{8} \times 2-3=

We will continue with the next multiplication and obtain:


We will realize that 888 \over 8Β is 11.

We will subtract from left to right according to the order of appearance and obtain:



Check your understanding

Examples with solutions for Order or Hierarchy of Operations with Fractions

Exercise #1

Solve the following exercise:

12+3β‹…0= 12+3\cdot0=

Step-by-Step Solution

According to the order of operations, we first multiply and then add:

12+(3β‹…0)= 12+(3\cdot0)=

3Γ—0=0 3\times0=0

12+0=12 12+0=12


12 12

Exercise #2

Solve the following exercise:

2+0:3= 2+0:3=

Step-by-Step Solution

According to the order of operations rules, we first divide and then add:

2+(0:3)= 2+(0:3)=

0:3=0 0:3=0

2+0=2 2+0=2


2 2

Exercise #3

25+2510= \frac{25+25}{10}=

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

Let's begin by multiplying the numerator:

25+25=50 25+25=50

We obtain the following fraction:

5010 \frac{50}{10}

Finally let's reduce the numerator and denominator by 10 and we are left with the following result:

51=5 \frac{5}{1}=5


5 5

Exercise #4

0:7+1= 0:7+1=

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

According to the order of operations rules, we first divide and then add:

0:7=0 0:7=0

0+1=1 0+1=1


1 1

Exercise #5

12+1+0= 12+1+0=

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

According to the order of operations rules, since the exercise only involves addition operations, we will solve the problem from left to right:

12+1=13 12+1=13

13+0=13 13+0=13



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