Perimeter - Examples, Exercises and Solutions

What is the perimeter?

The perimeter indicates the distance we will walk if we start from a certain point, complete a full lap, and return exactly to the starting point.
For example, if we are asked what the perimeter of the waist is, we will take a tape measure and measure the perimeter from a certain point until completing a full lap and returning to the same point from which we started the measurement.
It works exactly the same way in mathematics. The perimeter of any shape is the distance from a specific point back to it after having completely surrounded it.
If this is our figure:

What is the perimeter

Its perimeter will be the distance we cover if we travel along its line from a certain point, and return to it after making a full lap. Imagine that you are surrounding the figure:

Suggested Topics to Practice in Advance

  1. Area
  2. The Sum of the Interior Angles of a Triangle
  3. The sides or edges of a triangle
  4. Triangle Height
  5. Exterior angles of a triangle
  6. Types of Triangles
  7. Obtuse Triangle
  8. Equilateral triangle
  9. Identification of an Isosceles Triangle
  10. Scalene triangle
  11. Acute triangle
  12. Isosceles triangle
  13. The Area of a Triangle
  14. Area of a right triangle
  15. Area of Isosceles Triangles
  16. Area of a Scalene Triangle
  17. Area of Equilateral Triangles

Practice Perimeter

examples with solutions for perimeter

Exercise #1

Look at the rectangle below.

Side AB is 4.8 cm long and side AD has a length of 12 cm.

What is the perimeter of the rectangle?

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Step-by-Step Solution

In the drawing, we have a rectangle, although it is not placed in its standard form and is slightly rotated,
but this does not affect that it is a rectangle, and it still has all the properties of a rectangle.
The perimeter of a rectangle is the sum of all its sides, that is, to find the perimeter of the rectangle we will have to add the lengths of all the sides.
We also know that in a rectangle the opposite sides are equal.
Therefore, we can use the existing sides to complete the missing lengths.
4.8+4.8+12+12 =
33.6 cm


33.6 cm

Exercise #2

O is the center of the circle in the figure below.

888OOO What is its circumference?

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Step-by-Step Solution

We use the formula:P=2πr P=2\pi r

We replace the data in the formula:P=2×8π P=2\times8\pi

P=16π P=16\pi


16π 16\pi cm

Exercise #3

What is the perimeter of the trapezoid in the figure?


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Step-by-Step Solution

To find the perimeter we will add all the sides:

4+5+9+6=9+9+6=18+6=24 4+5+9+6=9+9+6=18+6=24



Exercise #4

Look at the triangle below:


What is the perimeter of the triangle?

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

The perimeter of the triangle is equal to the sum of all sides together, therefore:

6+8+10=14+10=24 6+8+10=14+10=24



Exercise #5

Given the triangle:


What is its perimeter?

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

The perimeter of a triangle is equal to the sum of all its sides together:

11+7+13=11+20=31 11+7+13=11+20=31



examples with solutions for perimeter

Exercise #1

Look at the circle in the figure:


Its radius is equal to 4.

What is its circumference?

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

The formula for the circumference is equal to:

2πr 2\pi r


Exercise #2

Look at the following rectangle:


Find its perimeter.

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

Since in a rectangle all pairs of opposite sides are equal:



Now we calculate the perimeter of the rectangle by adding the sides:

5+5+9+9=10+18=28 5+5+9+9=10+18=28



Exercise #3

Given the parallelogram:


Calculate the perimeter of the parallelogram.

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Step-by-Step Solution

As in a parallelogram every pair of opposite sides are equal:


The perimeter of the parallelogram is equal to the sum of all sides together:

4+4+6+6=8+12=20 4+4+6+6=8+12=20



Exercise #4

Given the parallelogram:


Calculate the perimeter of the parallelogram.

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

As in a parallelogram each pair of opposite sides are equal and parallel,

It is possible to argue that:


AB=CD=10 AB=CD=10

Now we can calculate the perimeter of the parallelogram by adding all its sides:

10+10+7+7=20+14=34 10+10+7+7=20+14=34



Exercise #5

Look at the circle in the figure.

What is its circumference if its radius is equal to 6?


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Step-by-Step Solution

Formula of the circumference:

P=2πr P=2\pi r

We replace the data in the formula:

P=2×6×π P=2\times6\times\pi

P=12π P=12\pi


12π 12\pi

examples with solutions for perimeter

Exercise #1

Below is a rectangle composed of two squares.


What is its perimeter?

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

In a square, all sides are equal. Therefore:

Thus, we find out what the side AC is equal to:


AB=6+6=12 AB=6+6=12

In a rectangle, we know that the opposite sides are equal to each other, therefore:

AB=FD=12 AB=FD=12

Therefore, the formula for the perimeter of the rectangle will look like this:

2×AB+2×CD 2\times AB+2\times CD

We replace the data:

2×12+2×6= 2\times12+2\times6=

24+12=36 24+12=36



Exercise #2

Look at the trapezoid in the figure.

The long base is 1.5 times longer than the short base.

Find the perimeter of the trapezoid.


Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

First, we calculate the long base from the existing data:

Multiply the short base by 1.5:

5×1.5=7.5 5\times1.5=7.5

Now we will add up all the sides to find the perimeter:

2+5+3+7.5=7+3+7.5=10+7.5=17.5 2+5+3+7.5=7+3+7.5=10+7.5=17.5



Exercise #3

Given an equilateral triangle:


What is its perimeter?

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Step-by-Step Solution

Since the triangle is equilateral, that is, all sides are equal to each other.

The perimeter of the triangle is equal to the sum of all sides together, the perimeter of the triangle in the drawing is equal to:

5+5+5=15 5+5+5=15



Exercise #4

Below is an equilateral triangle:


If the perimeter of the triangle is 33 cm, then what is the value of X?

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

We know that in an equilateral triangle all sides are equal.

Therefore, if we know that one side is equal to X, then all sides are equal to X.

We know that the perimeter of the triangle is 33.

The perimeter of the triangle is equal to the sum of the sides together.

We replace the data:

x+x+x=33 x+x+x=33

3x=33 3x=33

We divide the two sections by 3:

3x3=333 \frac{3x}{3}=\frac{33}{3}

x=11 x=11



Exercise #5

Look at the isosceles triangle below:


What is its perimeter?

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Step-by-Step Solution

Since we are referring to an isosceles triangle, the two legs are equal to each other.

In the drawing, they give us the base which is equal to 4 and one side is equal to 6, therefore the other side is also equal to 6.

The perimeter of the triangle is equal to the sum of the sides and therefore:

6+6+4=12+4=16 6+6+4=12+4=16



Topics learned in later sections

  1. Triangle
  2. Perimeter of a triangle