Every triangle has three sides. The sides allow us to classify the different types of triangles according to their size.

For example, a triangle with two equal sides (edges) is an isosceles triangle and one in which all its sides (edges) are equal is an equilateral triangle. While a triangle that has all its sides different is an equilateral triangle.

A1 - Sides of a triangle

Practice The sides or edges of a triangle

Examples with solutions for The sides or edges of a triangle

Exercise #1

Can a triangle have two right angles?

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

The sum of angles in a triangle is 180 degrees. Since two angles of 90 degrees equal 180, a triangle can never have two right angles.



Exercise #2

Look at the two triangles below. Is EC a side of one of the triangles?


Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

Every triangle has 3 sides, let's go over the triangle on the left side:

Its sides are: AB, BC, CA

This means that in this triangle, side EC does not exist.

Let's go over the triangle on the right side:

Its sides are: ED, EF, FD

This means that in this triangle, side EC does not exist.

Therefore, EC is not a side in either of the triangles.



Exercise #3

Which of the following is the height in triangle ABC?


Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

Let's remember the definition of height of a triangle:

A height is a straight line that descends from the vertex of a triangle and forms a 90-degree angle with the opposite side.

The sides that form a 90-degree angle are sides AB and BC. Therefore, the height is AB.



Exercise #4

ABC is an isosceles triangle.

AD is the median.

What is the size of angle ADC ∢\text{ADC} ?


Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

In an isosceles triangle, the median to the base is also the height to the base.

That is, side AD forms a 90° angle with side BC.

That is, two right triangles are created.

Therefore, angle ADC is equal to 90 degrees.



Exercise #5

Given the following triangle:

Write down the height of the triangle ABC.


Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

An altitude in a triangle is the segment that connects the vertex and the opposite side, in such a way that the segment forms a 90-degree angle with the side.

If we look at the image it is clear that the above theorem is true for the line AE. AE not only connects the A vertex with the opposite side. It also crosses BC forming a 90-degree angle. Undoubtedly making AE the altitude.



Exercise #6

Find the measure of the angle α \alpha


Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

It is known that the sum of angles in a triangle is 180 degrees.

Since we are given two angles, we can calculate a a

94+92=186 94+92=186

We should note that the sum of the two given angles is greater than 180 degrees.

Therefore, there is no solution possible.


There is no possibility of resolving

Exercise #7

Tree angles have the sizes 56°, 89°, and 17°.

Is it possible that these angles are in a triangle?

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

Let's calculate the sum of the angles to see what total we get in this triangle:

56+89+17=162 56+89+17=162

The sum of angles in a triangle is 180 degrees, so this sum is not possible.



Exercise #8

Tree angles have the sizes:

90°, 60°, and 30.

Is it possible that these angles are in a triangle?

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

Let's remember that the sum of angles in a triangle is equal to 180 degrees.

We'll add the three angles to see if their sum equals 180:

90+60+30=180 90+60+30=180

Therefore, these could be the values of angles in some triangle.



Exercise #9

Tree angles have the sizes:

50°, 41°, and 81.

Is it possible that these angles are in a triangle?

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

Let's remember that the sum of angles in a triangle is equal to 180 degrees.

We'll add the three angles to see if their sum equals 180:

50+41+81=172 50+41+81=172

Therefore, these cannot be the values of angles in any triangle.



Exercise #10

Tree angles have the sizes:

69°, 93°, and 81.

Is it possible that these angles are in a triangle?

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

Let's remember that the sum of angles in a triangle is equal to 180 degrees.

We'll add the three angles to see if their sum equals 180:

69+81+93=243 69+81+93=243

Therefore, these cannot be the values of angles in any triangle.



Exercise #11

Tree angles have the sizes:

76°, 52°, and 52°.

Is it possible that these angles are in a triangle?

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

Let's remember that the sum of angles in a triangle is equal to 180 degrees.

We will add the three angles to find out if their sum equals 180:

76+52+52=180 76+52+52=180

Therefore, these could be the values of angles in some triangle.



Exercise #12

Tree angles have the sizes:

31°, 122°, and 85.

Is it possible that these angles are in a triangle?

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

Let's remember that the sum of angles in a triangle is equal to 180 degrees.

We'll add the three angles to see if their sum equals 180:

31+122+85=238 31+122+85=238

Therefore, these cannot be the values of angles in any triangle.



Exercise #13

Tree angles have the sizes 94°, 36.5°, and 49.5. Is it possible that these angles are in a triangle?

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

Let's remember that the sum of angles in a triangle is equal to 180 degrees.

We'll add the three angles to see if their sum equals 180:

94+36.5+49.5=180 94+36.5+49.5=180

Therefore, these could be the values of angles in some triangle.



Exercise #14

Three angles measure as follows: 60°, 50°, and 70°.

Is it possible that these are angles in a triangle?

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

Recall that the sum of angles in a triangle equals 180 degrees.

Let's add the three angles to see if their sum equals 180:

60+50+70=180 60+50+70=180

Therefore, it is possible that these are the values of angles in some triangle.



Exercise #15

Tree angles have the sizes:

90°, 60°, and 40.

Is it possible that these angles are in a triangle?

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

Let's remember that the sum of angles in a triangle is equal to 180 degrees.

We'll add the three angles to see if their sum equals 180:

90+60+40=190 90+60+40=190

Therefore, these cannot be the values of angles in any triangle.



Topics learned in later sections

  1. Area
  2. Triangle Height
  3. The Sum of the Interior Angles of a Triangle
  4. Exterior angles of a triangle
  5. Types of Triangles
  6. Obtuse Triangle
  7. Equilateral triangle
  8. Identification of an Isosceles Triangle
  9. Scalene triangle
  10. Acute triangle
  11. Isosceles triangle
  12. The Area of a Triangle
  13. Area of a right triangle
  14. Area of Isosceles Triangles
  15. Area of a Scalene Triangle
  16. Area of Equilateral Triangles
  17. Perimeter
  18. Triangle
  19. Perimeter of a triangle