
🏆Practice area of the square

In this article, we will learn what area is, and understand how it is calculated for each shape, in the most practical and simple way there is.
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What is the area?

Area is the definition of the size of something. In mathematics, which is precisely what interests us now, it refers to the size of some figure.
In everyday life, you have surely heard about area in relation to the surface of an apartment, plot of land, etc.
In fact, when they ask what the surface area of your apartment is, they are asking about its size and, instead of answering with words like "big" or "small" we can calculate its area and express it with units of measure. In this way, we can compare different sizes.

Units of measurement of area

Large areas such as apartments are usually measured in meters, therefore, the unit of measurement will be m2 m^2 square meter.
On the other hand, smaller figures are generally measured in centimeters, that is, the unit of measurement for the area will be cm2 cm^2 square centimeter.
Units of measurement for the area in cm=>cm2 cm => cm^2
Units of measurement for the area m=>m2 m=>m^2

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Test yourself on area of the square!


Calculate the area of the parallelogram according to the data in the diagram.


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Now we will learn to calculate the area of (almost) all the shapes we know! Are we ready?

Area of the Square

A1 - A represents the area of the square

aa Side of the square

a×a=Area of the square a\times a=Area~ of ~the ~square

A=a2 A=a^2

We will multiply the side of the square by itself

Another way:

diagonal×diagonal2=Area of the square\frac{diagonal \times diagonal}{2}=Area~ of ~the ~square

For more information, enter the link of Area of a square

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Area of the Rectangle

A2 - Rectangle area formula

a×b=Area of the rectangle a\times b=Area~of~the~rectangle

We will multiply one side of the rectangle by the adjacent side (the side with which it forms a 90o 90^o degree angle)

For more information, enter the link of Rectangle area

Area of the triangle

A3 - Triangle Area Formula

height ×corresponding side2=Area of the triangle\frac{height~\times corresponding~side}{2}=Area~ of ~the ~triangle

We will multiply the height by the corresponding side - that is, the side with which it forms a 90o90^o degree angle and divide the product by 22.

For more information, enter the link to Triangle Area

Do you know what the answer is?

Area of the Rhombus

A4 - Rhombus area formula

aa –> Side of the rhombus
hh –>  Height

a×h=Area of the rhombusa\times h= Area~ of ~the~ rhombus

We will multiply the height by the corresponding side, that is, the side with which it forms a right angle of 90o 90^o degrees.

Another way :

diagonal×diagonal2=Area of the rhombus\frac{diagonal\times diagonal}{2}=Area~ of~ the~ rhombus

For more information, enter the link of Rhombus area

Area of the parallelogram

A5 - Parallelogram area formula

HH –> Height
BB –>  The side that forms a 90o 90^o degree angle with the height HH.

We will multiply the height by the side to which the height reaches and forms with it a 90o 90^o degree angle.

B×H=Area of the parallelogramB\times H=Area~ of ~the~ parallelogram

For more information, enter the link of Parallelogram area

Check your understanding

Area of the Circle

R - Circle area formula

rr   The radius of the circumference
ππ  PI
It will be calculated as the number 3.14 3.14 

π×r2=Area of the circleπ\times r^2=Area~ of ~the ~circle

We will multiply PI 3.143.14 by the radius of the circumference squared, that is r2 r^2 
Or, more simply, the formula is:

r×r×3.14=Area of the circler\times r\times 3.14=Area~ of ~the ~circle

For more information, enter the link of Circle area

Area of the trapezoid

A7 - Trapezoid area formula

We will add the bases and multiply the result by the height of the trapezoid.
We will divide the result by 22.

(a+b)×h2=Area of the trapezoid\frac{(a+b)\times h}{2}=Area~ of~ the~ trapezoid

For more information, enter the link of Trapezoid area

Do you think you will be able to solve it?

Area of the Kite

A8 - Area formula of the kite

We will multiply the diagonals and divide by 22.

ac×db2=Area of the trapezoid\frac{ac\times db}{2}=Area~ of~ the~ trapezoid

For more information, enter the link of Area of the kite

Area of Composite Figures

You don't have to worry about this pair of terms - composite figures. They are not called composite because they are complicated or difficult, but rather, they are composite figures because they are really made up of several figures that you already know.
The great key to calculating the area of this type of figures is to separate them into several simple figures on which you know how to calculate their area.

Let's look at an example

A9 - Area of composite figures

At first glance, it might scare us a bit since the figure seems very strange. But, very quickly we will remember the suggestion that we have written here above and apply it.
We will realize that we can divide the composite figure into two that we know and know how to calculate their area, rectangle and square.
We will calculate the area of each figure separately and then add them together.
In this way, we will obtain the area of the entire figure.

Test your knowledge

What is the difference between surface area and volume?

To understand the difference, let's remember a daily term we use in another context: superficial.
Superficial implies something or someone without depth, so, in geometry, the surface indicates the size of something flat, without depth. For example, if we draw a ball and paint it, that painted part would be its surface.
On the other hand, volume refers to the actual size of the ball, the space that we could fill inside it.
Volume is not the surface on the sheet of paper, but, really the size we can see (in a three-dimensional way) - the space it occupies in space.
The calculation of volume differs from the calculation of the surface.

A10 - Volume of the cylinder and Volume of the cube

Examples and exercises with solutions for area calculation

Exercise #1

Calculate the area of the parallelogram according to the data in the diagram.


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Since we know that ABCD is a parallelogram, according to the properties of parallelograms, each pair of opposite sides are equal and parallel.

Therefore CD=AB=10 CD=AB=10

We will calculate the area of the parallelogram using the formula of side multiplied by the height drawn from that side, so the area of the parallelogram is equal to:

SABCD=10×7=70cm2 S_{ABCD}=10\times7=70cm^2



Exercise #2

The width of a rectangle is equal to 15 cm and its length is 3 cm.

Calculate the area of the rectangle.

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To calculate the area of the rectangle, we multiply the length by the width:

15×3=45 15\times3=45



Exercise #3

Calculate the area of the trapezoid.


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We use the formula (base+base) multiplied by the height and divided by 2.

Note that we are only provided with one base and it is not possible to determine the size of the other base.

Therefore, the area cannot be calculated.


Cannot be calculated.

Exercise #4

Calculate the area of the triangle below, if possible.

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The formula to calculate the area of a triangle is:

(side * height corresponding to the side) / 2

Note that in the triangle provided to us, we have the length of the side but not the height.

That is, we do not have enough data to perform the calculation.


Cannot be calculated

Exercise #5

Look at the rectangle ABCD below.

Side AB is 4.5 cm long and side BC is 2 cm long.

What is the area of the rectangle?

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We begin by multiplying side AB by side BC

We then substitute the given data and we obtain the following:

4.5×2=9 4.5\times2=9

Hence the area of rectangle ABCD equals 9


9 cm²

Do you know what the answer is?
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